Lindsay A. Franklin is a best-selling author, award-winning freelance editor, and homeschooling mom of three. She would wear pajama pants all the time if it were socially acceptable. She spends a lot of time in made-up worlds, and she's passionate about sparking imagination through stories of infinite possibility. Her debut fantasy novel, The Story Peddler, releases in 2018. When she's not exploring the fantastical, she's exploring the Bible and encouraging young women through her devotional books.
Lindsay lives in her native San Diego with her scruffy-looking nerf-herder of a husband, their precious geeklings, three demanding thunder pillows (a.k.a. cats), and a stuffed wombat with his own Instagram following. You can find Lindsay on social media, too, if Wombatman hasn't hijacked all her accounts. She's @LinzyAFranklin on Instagram and Twitter, and she Facebooks at www.facebook.com/LindsayAFranklin.
And now for my review!!!
***Full disclosure***
I received an advanced copy of this book. What follows is my honest review:
I had so much fun reading The Story Peddler! Tanwen is a Storyteller, gifted with the ability to weave beautiful glass ornaments from the stories she tells. She dreams of two things: the family she does not remember, and the fame and fortune she one day hopes to obtain through her storytelling. She is a hoot! I enjoyed reading her quirky observations of the people and world around her. She's a bit awkward, sometimes painfully so, but she knows that about herself and doesn't seem to worry about it too much. She is a very honest person, both with others and with herself. Though her goals in life are a bit misguided at first, she knows who she is, what she wants, and what her failings are. She recognizes her feelings even when she acknowledges they are unfair. I think my favorite part was being able to experience her transformation as a character through her eyes.
Braithe is the daughter of a corrupt king, desperately trying to use her position to save as many subjects as possible from the wrath of her father. She is strong and holds fast to her convictions even when it means putting herself at risk to stand up to the king. I really look forward to watching her develop more in the coming books.
"As he was drawing near—already on the way down the Mount of Olives—the whole multitude of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” And some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”
Luke 19:37-40
"For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light." Luke 8:17
If you enjoy quirky fantasies, with creative magic, fun characters, and thought-provoking dilemmas, this is the book for you! But don't take my word for it, check out the endorsements from these awesome authors:
“Traitors, rebels, and the most original magic system I’ve seen since Patrick Carr’s A Cast of Stones make Lindsay A. Franklin’s The Story Peddler a unique and engrossing debut! I read through the book in two days. Did not want to put it down.”
—Jill Williamson, Christy Award-winning author of By Darkness Hid and King’s Folly
“Lindsay Franklin is a fearless storyteller. She weaves a colorful fantasy of light, darkness, and the many adventures in between. The Story Peddler is a perfect blend of humor, heartache, and healing.”
—Nadine Brandes, author of Fawkes
—Jill Williamson, Christy Award-winning author of By Darkness Hid and King’s Folly
“Lindsay Franklin is a fearless storyteller. She weaves a colorful fantasy of light, darkness, and the many adventures in between. The Story Peddler is a perfect blend of humor, heartache, and healing.”
—Nadine Brandes, author of Fawkes
"The Story Peddler is like nothing I've ever read. Lindsay A. Franklin weaves a magical and one-of-a-kind tale packed with danger, treason, and forbidden stories. A girl who wants to escape her mundane life. A king who harbors dark secrets. A princess in search of truth. The Story Peddler has it all.
Filled to the brim with mystery and intrigue, this stunning debut will transport readers to a realm from whence they’ll ne’er desire to return. Save a spot on your TBR list for this beauty! The Story Peddler is a binge-worthy read sure to be treasured by peasants and kings alike."
—Sara Ella, award-winning author of the Unblemished trilogy
#TheStoryPeddler #TheWeaverTrilogy #CorsythCrew #FlyingFluffhoppers
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