Welcome again to my blog!
If you are fans of the Illyon Chronicles by Jaye L. Knight or The Blades of Acktar series by Tricia Mingerink, I have some pretty exciting news for you! Both of them are releasing the fifth book in their respective series this month!
Most of you have read my interviews and reviews for Tricia Mingerink's The Blades of Acktar series before, and know what a HUGE fan I am! I was of course over the moon when I found out the series would be continuing!
Jaye L. Knight's books are new to me, but I am SOOOO ready to jump on the Illyon Chronicle fandom because her books sound awesome! In this post I will be spotlighting both books, interviewing the authors about their works, and sharing my review of Decree. Whether you are fans of one or both series, or if they are both new to you, I hope you enjoy reading the interview and learning about the books below!
Read about these books below and be sure to check out the other blog stops on the tour by visiting the official tour page. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
Welcome to my blog, Jaye and Tricia!
First question:
What is the most important thing you want to communicate to your readers about your books?
Tricia: Apparently this question has the ability to freeze authors’ brains. Because it took Jaye and I far too long to come up with answers for it, lol.
I guess that I would like readers to know that my books will always be filled with faith, action, and adventure. Whether that looks like Acktar with assassins and danger and Christianity that looks like our world or whether that is Tallahatchia with canoes and gifts and curses and allegorical Christianity. Either way there will be adventure and danger and possibility of death.
Jaye: I suppose one of the most important things I want to communicate to readers is that I write about “real” people with real struggles and real flaws. I love broken characters because it allows me to show how God can love and work through broken people. It can be a bit intimidating, but I like to write about tough issues. Just look at Lacy--it centers around a prostitute. But even though I often tackle tricky topics, you’ll always find my books are clean.
If your story worlds collided, which of your characters would be best friends and which would get on each other's nerves? Who would get into trouble?
Tricia: The characters already answered this question for themselves on the chat today on the Ilyon Chronicles blog. You can find that character chat here: https://www.ilyonchronicles. com/news.
But in doing that chat, it was fun how some of the characters took over. Jace and Leith, well, we expected that outcome. But Kaden, Talas, and Brandi bonding? That came out of nowhere. But I can really see them getting into trouble together if left unattended too long.
But in doing that chat, it was fun how some of the characters took over. Jace and Leith, well, we expected that outcome. But Kaden, Talas, and Brandi bonding? That came out of nowhere. But I can really see them getting into trouble together if left unattended too long.
As for characters that would rub on each other’s nerves, what do you think, Jaye?
Jaye: I don’t see Leetra and Martyn getting along particularly well. They are both kind of prickly. Lol! Talas might get on Martyn’s nerves too since he’s so cheerful all the time. Leetra might find Brandi annoying. Haha!
Tricia: Um, yeah. Let’s not put Leetra, Martyn, and Brandi too close together for too long. Things wouldn’t end well. Talas is the kind of person I can see Martyn pretending to be annoyed with, even if he secretly doesn’t mind as much as he pretends.
What is your favorite aspect of the other writer's series?
Jaye: Leith. ‘Nuff said. :D I’ve said multiple times that I love Leith almost as much as I love Jace.
Tricia: Ha, ha. Leith and his fangirls. *shakes head* Jaye: Leith is a precious cinnamon roll.
((Jessica)) Agreed!
Tricia: I love Jaye’s big battle scenes, lol! And I love how Jaye balances such a large cast of characters and makes all of them so well-loved! Also, Jace. :)
Can each of you give a favorite quote from the other person's book?
Tricia: I can’t tell you the setting of this quote, because that would be a spoiler, but I’ve always had a soft spot for Prince Daniel, and seeing Jace through Prince Daniel’s eyes was so cool: “Jace pinned him with a measuring look—not hostile, but one that said he took the matter seriously. While Jace’s mixed blood had never bothered Daniel in any way, it certainly made the man intimidating at times like these. Daniel had no doubt Jace could take on every person in this cabin and come out the victor. He’d certainly have no trouble against Daniel.” We spend so much time in Jace’s head where his soft, squishy, adorable heart is on display that we sometimes miss seeing the tough, deadly Jace.
Jaye: I sadly haven’t had a chance to read much of Decree yet (Why, life? Why must you be so hectic?!) but so far my favorite quote is probably Leith’s response to Vane telling him he can’t win. “No. But I will make it hurt. And you don’t want that. Not if you want to keep your perfect record with Lord Felix.” My sweet, adorable baby Leith. *squees*
((Jessica)) I love that moment too! Don't mess with Leith!
Do the two of you brainstorm together when you are writing? If so, what do you find most helpful about the other person?
Tricia: We haven’t done a lot of brainstorming together, but we have asked each other for advice on how to portray certain things, like battle scenes or trickier topics.
Jaye: ^This. :D Tricia is a wonderful beta reader and has really helped me polish my Ilyon books
Thank you so much, ladies! Readers, don't forget to check out the official blog tour page at this link and enter the giveaway!
Keep reading to see my review for Decree and the spotlights for both books!
The Blades of Acktar

About Decree
The Adventure Continues.
Discover more of The Blades of Acktar in this collection of novellas and short stories.
The Blades as They Should’ve Been
A test and the Gathering of Nobles will decide Leith and Martyn’s futures. Can they fight to become more than the Blades they were? Will Keevan accept the man who attempted to kill him as family?
The First Mission
When Martyn visits Surgis, his past seems determined to haunt him. Can he figure out how to forgive, especially when confronted with an enemy in need of his help?
To the Far Great Mountains
A death sends Leith and Martyn far beyond the borders of Acktar. Will they be able to arrest their quarry before they are caught themselves?
From the story of how Leith and Martyn met to Ranson’s search for a life outside of the Blades, these stories will answer plaguing questions and expand the world of Acktar.
Available now on Amazon!
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review:
I was SO excited when I heard that The Blades of Acktar books would be returning. This series hits all of my sweet spots: strong yet vulnerable characters, character growth, tension, witty banter, adorable romance, adventure!
In Decree we get to see our favorite characters after the war, working to rebuild Acktar and establishing a new law enforcement with "The New Blades" (you'll find out the real name in the book). We also get to peek into the past and find out more of Martyn's backstory, and also see how Renna and Brandi's parents met! I think their story was my favorite of the stories that take place in the past. You could definitely see which of their parents the girls took after. I also enjoyed getting to read Ranson's story and watch him grow into his post-Blade life. I love him!
While the other books are each one long story, this book is a collection of stories building background and setting the stage for the continuing story (We get more Acktar books!!!). More like a TV series bridging the gap between two movies. It's cool because we get a peek into the daily lives of our characters, but it also, by design, raises questions in the reader's mind about what's NOT happening which really builds up the anticipation for the next book.
I hope you enjoy this collection of episodes as much as I did. After I finished it I went back and pulled out all the previous books again so I could reread them! I'm super excited to see our Acktarian friends return to the page and can't wait for Book 6!

About the Author
Tricia Mingerink is a twenty-something, book-loving, horse-riding country girl. She lives in Michigan with her family and their pack of pets. When she isn't writing, she can be found pursuing backwoods adventures across the country.
You can connect with Tricia on her blog, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
About Bitter Winter
Already struggling with a harsh winter and the threat of food shortage, a catastrophic event leaves those in the Landale camps reeling. Just when things couldn’t get much worse, camp members fall ill with the same devastating sickness that’s sweeping across the country. Determined to gain the cure, Jace sets off to Valcré. However, there are only two sources—the queen, or a powerful gang of smugglers who have made the dangerous city their home. When Jace gains audience with the gang leader, he finds the price of the cure is steeper than any of them imagined, forcing him to make an impossible choice—betray his conscience or let those he loves die.

About Lacy
The last thing Aaron ever envisioned was falling for a prostitute. Everything about it spells trouble. However, he can’t help noticing the way her smile lights up when she sees him and how much brokenness she hides behind it. Neither can he ignore how desperately she needs rescue and protection. When Lacy shares a life or death secret with him, Aaron is willing to risk everything to help her and to show her Elôm’s love. Yet, such a choice could destroy his reputation and maybe even cost him his freedom. An Ilyon Chronicles Novella
The Ilyon Chronicles

About Bitter Winter
Already struggling with a harsh winter and the threat of food shortage, a catastrophic event leaves those in the Landale camps reeling. Just when things couldn’t get much worse, camp members fall ill with the same devastating sickness that’s sweeping across the country. Determined to gain the cure, Jace sets off to Valcré. However, there are only two sources—the queen, or a powerful gang of smugglers who have made the dangerous city their home. When Jace gains audience with the gang leader, he finds the price of the cure is steeper than any of them imagined, forcing him to make an impossible choice—betray his conscience or let those he loves die.
Available now on Amazon!

About Lacy
The last thing Aaron ever envisioned was falling for a prostitute. Everything about it spells trouble. However, he can’t help noticing the way her smile lights up when she sees him and how much brokenness she hides behind it. Neither can he ignore how desperately she needs rescue and protection. When Lacy shares a life or death secret with him, Aaron is willing to risk everything to help her and to show her Elôm’s love. Yet, such a choice could destroy his reputation and maybe even cost him his freedom. An Ilyon Chronicles Novella
Available now on Amazon!
Haven’t discovered the world of Ilyon yet? Find out more at the official Ilyon Chronicles website!Giveaway!

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